STAR (Starling)

STAR (Starling)
Foto de STAR
Relativos Iris Yeong (Madre)
Kamilla Yeong (Tía)
Elster (LSTR-512) (Amante)
Isolde Itou (Amiga)
Erika Itou (Amiga)
Información Biográfica
Fecha de Nacimiento 18S 6P a (Calendario de Rotfront)
Lugar de Nacimiento Leng
Descripción Física
Especie Gestalt
Género Femenino
Color de ojos Rojo

Ariane Yeong is a Gestalt and a pilot of the Penrose 512. According to her medical record, she was born on Leng and seems to have lived most of her life prior to becoming a Penrose pilot on Rotfront.


WARNING: The following may contain spoilers about SIGNALIS, proceed at your own risk.

Early Life

Life with Iris Yeong

Ariane Yeong was born to Iris Yeong on 18S 6P (Rotfront Calendar) on the planet of Leng. Sometime during her life, Iris, a radio officer, would be stationed on the Nation's colony of Rotfront, in particular, Rotfront Interplanetar Station 06. Here, a young Ariane would grow up with little contact with the outside world, knowing nothing of general social contact outside of her mother, leading to her developing an interest in art, particularly painting. However, Ariane's lack of contact and isolation saw her not attending any form of schooling. This lack of both contact and schooling greatly concerned Ariane's aunt, Kamilla Yeong, who wished to take Ariane to live in Rotfront's Blockwart C, an urban district. This concern grew to a point that Kamilla would acquire Ariane from the Station, and relocate her to the district.

Life in Rotfront Blockwart C

Now living with Kamilla and her unnamed husband, Ariane would begin attending schooling at a late age. Attending Mandelbrot Polytechnische Oberschule, Ariane would struggle in adhering to the Rotfront's strict society, that frowned upon Ariane's intrest in art, along with her unorthodox hair color, as she began to suffer from premature achromotrichia. This would result in bullying, with a physical altercation occuring after school in the library, where three masked students would kick and abuse Ariane, laughing as they did. The incident was witnessed by fellow classmate Isolde Itou, who did not intervene in the situation, however, Isolde's twin sister, Erika, would intervene in the bullying subsquently. The result saw Ariane blossoming a friendship with Erika, and Isolde both, the three becoming friends despite their age and cultural differences.

Prior to this incident, Ariane had taking up a tenure as a store clerk in her family's business, Yeong Photo, she would momentarily stop working however after the incident, which resulted in her being forced to visit the hospital with severe bruising. Incidents such as these resulted in Ariane suffering from insomnia, and she would continue to suffer from premature achromotrichia. Sometime during her education, Ariane would sight a poster of the Nation's Penrose Program, whilst returning home from school in Blockwart C. This poster would stay with her for years to come. While working there, she would encounter an Imperial Spy who was terrified of her bioresonant abilities. Ariane was unaware of the presence of this ability and power she held, as when conducting a medical checkup during her final years of schooling, the school's adminstration, AEON, would discover the abilities and withold them from Ariane. The school's knowledge led to an individual conducting a test on Ariane's abilities in the final years of her schooling using astronomical cards with planets on them to test her abilities. During this time, Ariane would continue to grow in interest of the arts, taking up hobbies such as drawing as well, something that was frowned upon greatly by one of Ariane's Teachers, who recommended Ariane be assigned to military service to "beat" her interest in the arts out of her.

Military Service

As per her Teacher's recommendation, Ariane was assigned to compulsory military service on Rotfront, where she would receive training as a Radio Officer, much akin to her mother. Ariane would not go to this with her friends Erika and Isolde, leaving her feeling alone, along with very disconnected. The attempt to end Ariane's appreciation and dabbling in the arts was however unaffected by the end of Ariane's military service. After two years of service, Ariane applied to the Penrose Program, but AEON, in charge of her assignments, would give Ariane notice that she was to be stationed on the S-23 Sierpinski Facility, a remote re-education facility on her homeworld of Leng. Ariane did not desire this assignment, and somehow did end up joining the Nation's Penrose Program, the same one on the posters she had seen years prior.

The Penrose-512

Ariane's reassignment to the Penrose Program saw her stationed aboard one of the Program's vessels, the Penrose-512. Ariane set off on her exploration of the cosmos for life and planets as per the Penrose Program's mission, alongside a replika engineer. Early on into her cycles (time frame aboard the Penrose), Ariane would quickly take a liking to the engineer, a LSTR-type replika known as LSTR-512, otherwise known as Elster. The two began a friendship despite the program's guidelines, with Ariane doing forbidden activities such as playing the unit music and watching movies alongside it. Ariane's admiration of Elster grew across this time, with her finding Elster's familiar Vinetan accent, much similar to her friend Isolde's, "cute". Soon after, Ariane would fall in love and begin a relationship with Elster, the two bonding over their travels aboard the Penrose-512 for the next 3,000 cycles.

On the 3,000th cycle aboard the Penrose-512, also known as the "third phase" of the Penrose program, Ariane had yet to find life or planetary objects during her voyage in the known time period. The Nation stated that the vessels were to decay, with internal systems such as the nuclear reactor onboard failing, which would as a result kill those onboard. Ariane would not let this information reach Elster, as Ariane wished to spend the last of her moments alongside Elster in happiness, blissfully disregarding the statement, spending a romantic night dancing and then subsequently falling asleep together. However, for the next cycles, Ariane would slowly begin to die of radiation poisoning, which caused a variety of health issues, including her hair falling out, and intense insomnia. Sometime after the 262144th cycle, a damaged Elster, in an effort to save Ariane, would use the ship's emergency cryo-pod to preserve Ariane and her health, preventing her from dying. When they were to land, Elster was presumably to awaken Ariane from the cryo-pod, but the unit would die of exposure to the elements aboard the ship, leaving Ariane inside the cryo-pod, still suffering from the effects of the radiation.

Other Lore

Affinity for the Empire

Ariane showcased an interest in the banned Imperial Series, possibly indicating that she held some level of interest in the Empire and Imperial culture.
This interest could arrive due to the Imperial Series seemingly being fictional writing, fiction which showcases creativity even if done for Propaganda purposes, likely interested the art centric Ariane.