Falke (FKLR)

Falke (FKLR)
Foto de Falke
Aliases Führungskommando-Leiteinheit-Replika
Comandante Falke
Afiliación AEON
Ocupación Comandante de las fuerzas
de seguridad de AEON
Descripción Física
Especie Replika
Género Femenino
Altura 178cm

Falke or Führungskommando-Leiteinheit-Replika, (Operational Command Control Unit Replika 'Falcon') are Generation 6 High-Tech Bioresonance Command Replikas. These Replikas are used in every AEON facility across the Eusan Nation as the commander of the Protektor security forces of these facilities. Falke means "Falcon" in German.


WARNING: The following may contain spoilers about SIGNALIS, proceed at your own risk.

Falke served as the Protektor Commander of AEON's S-23 Sirpenski Facility on Leng. Sometime during her command, she went to the mines, and gazed past the red gate in eternity. Whilst there, she would be inflicted with Ariane Yeong's bioresonant abilities, which caused her to inherit the memories of Yeong's deceased lover, an LSTR replika known as Elster-512, along with an unknown disease.

"The commander never talked about what she saw out there. I'm sure whatever it was, it was what made her fall sick. Something about her changed when she returned, She was no longer our beloved leader Falke" - Adler

Following this incident, Falke fell ill to the unknown disease, and would be confined to her bed. Over the course of the following weeks, the rest of the facility would become infected with the unknown disease as well. Falke's subordinate, Protektor Controller Sieben says that the "Commander" fell ill just like the rest of the AEON facility employees (At the date 84-21-A).

Sometime during this infection, Falke would go into a comatose state, however she would continue to journal in her personal diary, where she describes the aftermath of her venture to the gate and Eternity:

84-21-A: "I don't know how much longer I can go on. I do not want to live anymore as what I have become. The red eye beyond the gate showed me, no, touched me, poisoned me. It feels like my mind has been contaminated, defiled, by another person's memory. Ts no longer fully myself anymore, but I've not fully become someone else either."

Falke would spend an unknown amount of time in this comatose state. Falke would continue to descend into madness, as both a result of disease, but moreso her inhertiance of Elster's memories. The bioresonant connection grew further, to such a severity that she would begin to disassociate rapidly, her memories being corrupted. Falke recounts the memories from Elster's life, her own memories being overriden in the process, as she writes:

"A crashed ship, a strange gate, a hole in the ground. An island beyond reach, memories from other lives dreams of suffering and loneliness, a promise. A search for someone lost. I saw her, in the red emptiness, waiting for me. We had made a promise. As the memories of a stranger rushed into my mind, I felt the borders of my self blur. Now, I can no longer tell where "Falke" ends and "Elster" begins."

Sometime after describing the memories, Falke becomes completely consumed by the idea that she is Elster, feeling all of the replika's emotions and inheriting her memories.

"We were dancing to that song they start the broadcast with. We feel asleep watching that movie we had seen before so many times. If only i could take us back to that time when we were happy. These memories are mine now."

When Elster is traversing through Ende, it takes Falke into it, as formed in the shape of her quarters. Upon Elster's entry, Falke awakens from her comatose state, levitating with her abilities and saying:

"There's nothing for you here

She'll never dance with us again, no matter what we do

She doesn't even want us anymore."

Ende then either distorts or she warps them to a unknown location, with a disassociated Falke saying:

"Both of us are incomplete, let us become whole again."

The two engage in combat, where after a fierce battle, Elster impales Falke with one of her own spears, disabling Falke, who weakly reaches out to Elsters Chestplate. Her final thoughts are of Elster and Ariane hugging onboard the Penrose 512. Falke then succumbs to her wounds, her last words stating that her and Elster have become whole.