Parte 4: Hospital


1. Go to Reception and pickup SHOTGUN
2. Go to Waiting Room and pickup SWORD
3. Go to Store Room and pick up SOCKET WRENCH HANDLE
4. Go to Nurse Station and use the code from Frequencies and the SWORD decipher to get final code (KRRFZ)
6. Go to Protektor Bathroom and pick up PUMP ROOM KEY
7. Go to Pump Room and use the drainage system (A to B, B to C, C to A, B to C, A to B, B to C, and C to A)
8. Go back to Protektor Bathroom and jump down
9. Pick up WATER KEY
10. Go to Flooded Office and pick up EXAMINATION ROOM KEY
11. Go to Flooded Store Room and pick up BLANK KEY
12. Go to Exam Room, pick up 10MM SOCKET and combine with SOCKET WRENCH HANDLE to get 10MM SOCKET WRENCH
13. Go to Sleeping Ward and pick up VIDEO CASSETTE
14. Go to Vent Room and unlock the fan grate to obtain AIR KEY
15. Go to ICU 01 and use the VIDEO CASSETTE in the VCR player
16. In the memory, move forward and pick up the GOLD KEY
17. Go to Imaging and use the x-ray machine on the Lodged Key (memorize the pattern)
18. Go to Office, use BLANK KEY on the Card PC, and use the Lodged Key pattern
19. Go to Incinerator and solve the Gas Valve puzzle by using the indicator on the left and the 3 knobs to adjust CO2, Gas and O2 levels
20. Pick up FIRE KEY
21. Insert all keys into the locked door in Waiting Room
22. Enter Surgery through the previously locked door, PREPARE FOR A BOSS FIGHT and drop down